The Smart Report: Return of Summer

Freedom–May 1, 2013–The Ossipee River dam was almost completely closed down at 10 a.m. Monday morning (4/30/13). Two south side gates remain open and only two layers of stop logs were put in on the 13 north side gates. I was at the dam noon yesterday and observed that a few new stop logs with new hardware have been installed. There remains a large stack of logs to go on top of those that are in place.

Looks like water level is part way up on the first layer. About 8 inches of water need to go over the top. This will allow an automatic release of water when the next big (1” or more) rain event hits. No rain is predicted for the next 7 days.

This is the first time the dam has been closed since the full winter opening in mid October 2012.

As for the reported lake level, it is 406.07 as of 4 p.m. yesterday and is increasing at a rate of 0.08’ per day. If nothing changes, the level will be up to about 406.6’ by this time next week.

The “Operating Rule” for Ossipee Lake issued in the spring of 2005 calls for 406’ by May 1st and 407.25’ (summer level) by June 1st. So far, so good.

A few bugs but no black flies yet. Road weight restrictions have been lifted. The temperature dropped to the low 30s last night but will be up to the 70s by midday.

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