Ossipee Needs $1.3 Million for Storm Damage

Ossipee — May 3, 2007 — Selectmen agreed Monday to authorize short-term borrowing of money to fix the town’s roads following recent heavy rains.

The county has been approved for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds because of the extensive damage to roads around the county. Ossipee’s estimates alone are for more than $1 million in damages to town roads.

Selectmen plan to meet with FEMA representatives next Monday night at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the damage in town and what assistance the town can expect. That meeting is open to the public.

Selectmen Chairman Joe Skehan said all the roads in town are now reopened to emergency vehicles, and each day the town has three road crews working on different sections of the road. But he said, “Everytime it rains on a day like today, it kills us again.”

Ossipee resident Dom Terminiello complained to selectmen Monday night that trucks are using Elm Street as a through street, even though it has been posted to keep heavy trucks off it for the spring. He noted that new bright red signs have been posted on the street, but drivers are ignoring them.

“Trucks are going up and down the roads — 10-wheelers, tri-axels. There are holes like this,” he said indicating large holes with his arms. “We paid a lot of money to fix that road and there is no reason” he said for so many trucks to be on it.

Terminiello also said he overheard a conversation in a coffee shop to the effect “Don’t worry about Ossipee. You can go anywhere you want to in Ossipee. The police aren’t going to bother you.”

Skehan asked that Terminiello’s comments be passed on to Ossipee Police Department Chief Richard Morgan.

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