The Smart Report: January 2010

Freedom – January 11, 2010 – In my last report on December 10, 2009, I mentioned the first plowable snow, no ice on the lake and the rapid, almost 3 ft. rise in lake level caused by rain.

Since then, one individual predicted the level would be back down to 405′ by Christmas Day. This prediction was almost correct when the level got down to 405.09′ on 12/27. Then the January thaw came (no rain) and within three days the level was back up almost two feet for a report of 406.75′ – this time with ice on the surface, which has remained and become snow-covered.

Last Saturday a group of five snowmobiles headed south along our shore and returned a short time later (open water at the Broad Bay outlet).

We had 6 – 8 inches of snow since the 27th and mostly cold weather, so no more snow melt. Church was canceled last Sunday because of actual and predicted snow.

Lake level is in a slow decline, just like early December. After ten days the level is down to 405.73′ for an average of 1.2″ per day.

I doubt there is much local interest in the lake level because attention is on winter sports. It has been a good season at King Pine, with overflow parking in the east lot. Most roads are showing signs of frost heaves – not real bad yet.

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