The Smart Report: Winter as Usual

Freedom – January 28, 2010 — As for the Ossipee Lake and River, all is calm and under control today. With reports of ice jams, floods and closed roads all around us, I thought readers would be interested in knowing Ossipee is OK.

The area had light rain all day Monday. Heavy rain was predicted but did not reach the lake. Lake level was down to 404.8 and then began going up early Tuesday morning.

As of today (Thursday) the level has reached 406′ and may go up an additional 6 – 8″.

I visited the dam at noon today. Everything is open and there are no ice jams.  The bay to the west of the dam is ice-free.

We are back to below freezing temperatures day and night with no predictions for warmer weather or precipitation.

We drove past King Pine Tuesday and everything was in operation with a half-full parking lot.

Winter as usual.


  1. Diane 15 years ago January 29, 2010

    Thank you, Bob, for your reports! I always wonder what’s going on up there and am happy to know all is well! Or as you say, winter as usual. Wish I was there!

  2. Richard 14 years ago January 30, 2010

    I concur.


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