410 Rule Survey Winding Down

Freedom — May 7, 2010 — Ossipee Lake property owners who have not completed the Alliance’s survey on the state’s 410 Rule will have a few more days to do so. The survey will be available online through this Sunday night, May 9th.

The web address is www.ossipeelake.org/410 and must be entered as a URL address in your browser’s address box, not in the search box.

Alliance Executive Director David Smith said the extension of deadline is in response to requests from lake residents who for various reasons could not complete the survey by the end of today, the original deadline. Smith said the response rate to the survey has been strong.

Under the 410 Rule, the state claims ownership of shorefront property in the Ossipee Lake system to 410 ft. above sea level, approximately three feet higher than the managed level of the lake during summer months. State officials have not been able to explain where the 410 ft. benchmark came from or why it is correct.

Alliance officials hope to host a public meeting on the 410 Rule in June.


  1. Lisa Louttit 14 years ago May 7, 2010

    Tanks for the reminder about the survey and looking forward to informational meeting in June

  2. Stew 14 years ago May 7, 2010

    Does anyone know the real purpose of this…. i.e. what does the State think it’s going to do?


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