Wondering About the Lake Reps Meeting?

Freedom – June 7, 2011 – After a spate of emails asking about this weekend’s important Lake Representatives meeting for Ossipee Lake and the surrounding lakes, rivers and ponds, we thought some additional details would be in order.

Two months ago, we publicized this weekend’s event and invited the heads of the lake’s property owner associations (e.g., Deer Cove, Long Sands Association, Berry Bay Association, etc.). Traditionally, two or three officers or members of each such association attend or assign someone else to attend from their organization.

But some parts of the lake do not have an association or have residents who are interested in lake matters but do not belong to an association. Also, in some cases a property owner association officer will fail to respond to our invitation, leaving that group unrepresented at the meeting.

Our goal is to have every part of the lake system – including ponds and rivers – represented at this important meeting to learn about how milfoil control financing is being handled by the state.

If you’re interested in attending the Lake Reps meeting in Freedom this Saturday from 9-Noon, and if you do not belong to a lake property owners association or if you are not sure your association is attending, please contact Susan Marks at smmarks@www.ossipeelake.org or call her at (914) 588-3280.


  1. Neal Boyle 14 years ago June 7, 2011

    I am assuming the meeting on saturday will be in the Freedom Town Hall at 9 AM. If not where will the meeting be held?

  2. Jim McElroy 14 years ago June 7, 2011


    I believe the meeting will be held at Calumet.




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