The Smart Report: We Got Here Yesterday

Freedom–April 17, 2013–Since my last report six weeks ago, the whole world at Ossipee Lake has changed, and the transition to open water has been accomplished. So far the official public announcements on ice-out have not been distributed. Two days ago friends on Broad Bay were reporting ice islands floating in a couple of bays, and on Monday a big lake resident reported a large ice island floating south. During a conversation at the transfer station on Tuesday we all agreed that ice is out of Ossipee.

I am so pleased to look out the window and see open water with no ice that I am not going to wait for the official reports. After 3+ months of looking out at shore-to-shore ice, it has taken a couple of days to realize that open water is OK and normal at this time of year. As for lake Winnipesaukee, a report in Monday’s paper said much ice remains on that lake but should be gone by Thursday.

Except for the snow plow piles and the shaded side of some buildings the snow is gone. It was a slow melt during the last two weeks, with little rain and some sun. The lake has been on a steady rise since a 404.3 reading the end of February to the 407.26 reading yesterday. The level is now going down to make room for the spring flood that we always get between now and early June. I was at the dam yesterday and all gates are open.  Water flow on the north side is great enough to cover all rocks on the downstream side.

The Ossipee Lake Alliance website has added a direct link to the NH State website with detailed information on Ossipee Lake water conditions. This is where I go for information.

There were large areas of ice on Danforth, Purity and Crystal lakes last Monday but should be gone by now. Roads are in the best condition in years.  There has been a 6-ton restriction on the Lake road that is expected to be lifted by end of the week.

There was one powerboat and two loons on the bay Monday, so we must be at our spring destination.

1 comment

  1. Dick Phillips 11 years ago April 20, 2013

    Although it is partially blocked by your report, the background image is the view I had every day for 22 years. I miss it.


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