The Smart Report: End of Summer 2013

Freedom–September 10, 2013–Summer 2013 was good to the people using Ossipee Lake. Water level ranged just a few inches over or under the plan of 407.25′ above sea level. There were a few storms that could have resulted in flood conditions, but the new procedure of reducing height of stop logs on the north and rapid response to regulating the south side gates worked well.

There was a short-term rise of approximately 12″ over plan last Wednesday and then back to plan today. Cause was three days of 1.5 to 2.5 inches of rain on three days earlier that week.

The State Dam Authority plans to maintain the lake at summer level until Columbus Day (10/14) and then begin the usual, gradual winter drawdown of 3.5 feet. I am counting on the usual fall flood some time in November or December to float my docks onto the beach. The Lake usually ices over by end of December.

The end of this week should be a good time for those of you who would like to place a marker on your property at the official big lake level of 407.25. It takes a few days for the rivers and bays downstream of the big lake to level out after a high or low reading
such as we had last week.

The summer is never long enough. Think spring.

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