Ossipee Planners Deny Regional Impact of New Gas Station and Convenience Store

Ossipee—May 4, 2017 — Ossipee Planning Board has ruled the proposed development of a Route 16 property has no regional impact and dismissed a request from Tamworth officials seeking abutter status. Valley Point, LLC, being represented by White Mountain Survey, is seeking site plan review approval to build a 5,000-square-foot convenience store and eight-pump gas station at 2400 Route 16 at the intersection of Route 41.

Tamworth selectmen sent a request and Selectman Steve Gray to the planning board’s April 18 public hearing asking for special abutter status. The request was quickly nixed by a motion made by Sam Martin, deciding the project has no regional impact. When asked by planning board chairman Connie Billings why Tamworth selectmen believe the project has regional impact since the Ossipee Aquifer on which the project sits is not in Tamworth, Gray said, “We believe we share the aquifer. We share the water.”

Gray added that there are people in Tamworth who are very interested in seeing the property developed and productive but want to make sure best practices are included in the approval of the application.

Gray took a few hits, specifically, when Jim Rines of White Mountain Survey, pointed out that if the proposed project was 412 feet up the road in Tamworth, it wouldn’t even be reviewed. Rines pointed out that Tamworth has no zoning ordinance or groundwater resource protection ordinance like Ossipee.

After no one speaking against the project at the initial hearings, Green Mountain Conservation Group has risen up, posted on their website, and sent letters urging anyone who will listen to speak out against the project.

“The potential consequences of this proposal could reach far and wide as water knows no boundaries,” their website states.

The public hearing was closed and discussion about the project, and perhaps a vote, is scheduled for May 16.


  1. A 7 years ago May 5, 2017

    Ossipee looking to become a gas station megatropolis .. what a vision … sure hope we get a convenience store too, that’s always great! Excellent

  2. Rick St Jean 7 years ago May 5, 2017

    If the Voters of Tamworth do not want zoning in their town they need to tell their Representatives that it is hypocritical to attempt to interfere or even attempt to participate in zoning in another town.

  3. A 7 years ago May 5, 2017

    Next thing you know they’ll incredibly try to allow development in obvious wetlands and floodplains that will endanger our most important, crucial natural asset that drives the economy, tourism, recreation, ecosystem (Ossipee Lake) and may endanger Public safety….. oh wait, they already did


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