Freedom—July 9, 2020—It’s been a while since we checked on progress at the dam, so one of our board members, Ossipee resident Tim Otterbach, took a look this week and brought back pictures.

New Control House Foundation.
The news is that the foundations for the control building and the building to house the propane tanks are now complete and are being backfilled.
If the two structures look tall, it’s because they are. The height is needed to ensure they’re substantially above the 100-year flood elevation, Otterbach said.

Propane tank support building.
The project is on schedule. In an email to Ossipee Lake Alliance, Dam Bureau Chief Engineer Jim Gallagher said construction of the control building should begin in the next couple of weeks, and two large spillway gates should be installed by the end of the month.
Otterbach, who has been documenting the build since it began, said he will return to the site to take more pictures when the gates arrive for installation.

Existing Headhouse with new propane tank foundation beyond, on the right.
The months of August and September will be spent finishing the control building and installing the gate control equipment and instrumentation, and the old dam will be removed during the last two weeks of October.
Thank you very much for the update. Good job, Tim!
Will the old building with the current gates be removed and permanently blocked off.
No lake level will still be mainly controlled by existing gates in the gate house. The existing spillway will be removed