Freedom—July 15, 2021—A final decision on granting a zoning variance for a gas station with underground storage tanks at Boyle’s Family Market on Route 25 was postponed last week after the Effingham Zoning Board heard testimony about the plan’s potential impact on drinking water.
The business, previously known as Dy-No-Mite Variety, is a convenience store selling groceries, beer, wine, pizza and cigarettes, according to its Google Search listing. Until 2015, the business also included a gas station.
In August of that year, owners David and Lynn Boyle removed the gas pumps and tanks rather than bring the operation into compliance with environmental regulations. A business closure report was filed with the state, and the tanks and equipment were removed under DES supervision, leaving only the canopy that had covered the gas pumps.

Boyle’s Market, on Old Route 25 and Leavitt Road, is adjacent to Phillips Brook, which flows into Ossipee Lake. Photo: Google Maps
Now the question is whether the gas station can be reopened under new ownership.
Meena LLC, whose principal is Conway businessman Garg Pankaj, purchased the convenience store from the Boyles this year with the understanding that with the required state permits, they could reestablish a retail gas operation, according to Meena’s agents, Mark and Jacob McConkey.
The plan received initial approval by Effingham’s Zoning Board on March 29 and was sent to the planning board for review.
But opponents of the plan believe the ZBA should have denied the application. Effingham’s Zoning Ordinance prohibits gas stations in the town’s Groundwater Protection District, and Boyle’s Market lies squarely within that district.
Last week they made their case to the board and asked that it rule the application has regional impact, meaning the towns of Ossipee and Freedom would be granted abutter status in the matter. The board voted against making it a regional issue, but continued the hearing to Tuesday, July 20.
Complicating the matter is the fact that the new owner of the business has already installed the underground tanks.
Competing Interests
Central to the debate is Effingham’s Groundwater Protection Ordinance (GPO), which voters amended to town zoning 11 years ago to protect the Ossipee Aquifer, the main source of drinking water for Effingham and 13 other communities.
The GPO established a special Groundwater Protection District to “preserve, maintain and protect” groundwater supplies by “regulating land uses that may contribute pollutants to designated wells and to aquifers,” according to the ordinance.
Land uses permitted in Effingham by right or allowed by special exception are also permitted in the Groundwater Protection District unless they are specifically prohibited. Article 22, Section 2207-A (8) of the ordinance specifically prohibits gas stations in the groundwater district.
Meena LLC’s application, which was filed on May 14, asks for relief from that prohibition, and details how its request meets the five criteria required for a variance. It notes there was a gas station at the site long before zoning, and it operated “without incident” until the previous owner in 2015 made a “financial decision” to stop offering gas and remove the tanks rather than make them compliant.

A canopy is all that remains of Boyle’s gas station, which closed in 2015. The convenience store continued to operate until recently. Photo: USA Restaurants
“Gas sales are essential to the profitability of a modern convenience store business,” the document reads, noting that the applicant’s willingness to invest in a new gas station that meets state and local requirements would provide “an added convenience” to the residents in the area.
“Residents and passersby driving on Route 25 will see a lot similarly developed as it has been since the ’90s,” the application states.
Implying that a hardship would be imposed by the strict application of the ordinance, Meena’s agents said the property was sold to the buyer “with the understanding that with the required state permits…they could reestablish a retail gas operation.”
“The new owners have done everything they thought was required to reinstate the gas operation…but unfortunately they were not advised there was a local regulatory component they needed to comply with.”
In a letter to the ZBA opposing the application, local environmentalist Corey Lane wrote that “Just because the applicant did not do their due diligence prior to purchasing a convenience store in the Groundwater Protection District does not mean the Ordinance can be violated.”
Lane asked the ZBA to remember why gas stations were prohibited in the Groundwater Protection District more than a decade ago.
“The citizens of Effingham are fully aware of how important protecting their water quality is because they voted to prohibit the development or operation of a gasoline station in this area,” she wrote. “This Board has a sworn obligation to uphold the Zoning Ordinance that the citizens supported.”
Speaking at the meeting, Blair Folts, an Effingham resident and former executive director of Green Mountain Conservation Group, said that granting the variance would be contrary to the public interest.
“It puts drinking water at risk; it puts lake water in Ossipee Lake at risk; it puts the tributary Phillips Brook at risk; and it puts well water on abutting properties in Freedom, Effingham and Ossipee directly at risk,” she said.
In another written submission, Lorie Dunne, Effingham’s representative to the Green Mountain Conservation Group board, pointed out that it took more than four years of volunteer efforts to secure the aquifer protections embodied in Effingham’s zoning.
“A variance to allow a use that is expressly prohibited sets the stage for future prohibited uses to be allowed in sensitive drinking water protection areas,” she wrote, asking that the application be denied.
The next meeting on the issue will be on Tuesday, July 20, at 6:30 p.m. at Effingham Town Hall.
The Boyle’s Market property was no longer “pre-existing, non-conforming” upon removal of the fuel tanks in 2015. Therefore, there would be no reason to grant any variance To allow re-establishment as a gasoline station. Failure of the owner to do proper research, thus creating his own financial hardship is not the responsibility of the public. Lets keep our water clean…
I agree that there is no need to have these tanks reestablished. Protection of the ground water should be a main priority for all
Why did the zoning board approve it then? Seems like they would be the people to ask and he did.
The central question is going to be why the zoning board approved the permit in the first place. It certainly appears that the GPO was specific in stating gas stations were not allowed in the GPA. It also appears that the new owner installed the gas tanks based upon the “initial approval” of the zoning board and without planning board approval. It doesn’t appear that a hardship exists that warrants a variance of the regulation.
What of the other gas station less than 1/2 mile away, sitting lower in elevation and closer to the groundwater and the streams that directly feed the lake and aquifer?
Shouldn’t that be closed? I’ve seen plenty of spilled gas on the ground coming from that station on weekends.