The Smart Report: Mild Weather Pattern

Freedom—January 5, 2023—So far, this has been the warmest fall and winter on the lake since we moved here in the spring of 1997.

The lake level was drawn down to almost 404′ (as planned} by early December, and remained there until mid month. The river flow to the Maine electric generators went dry. Then in mid-December, with mild temperatures, the rain and snow arrived and have continued in 2023.

The lake is full of floating ice but does not have a solid ice cover. On some cold mornings there will be a thin skin of ice between cakes of ice. This skin will melt by 10 a.m.

The lake level got up to almost 409′ by end of December and will come back down to near 404′ before spring. This has allowed the generator in Maine to again produce electricity (there is no legal requirement to do this, but I like to see the additional good coming from our lake).

Think spring and all ice gone by mid-April.

Bob Smart


  1. Bill 2 years ago January 6, 2023

    Thanks Bob. Nice to hear from you. Spring is around the corner.

  2. Robert G Gendreau 2 years ago January 6, 2023

    Thanks Bob! Happy New Year!

  3. Richard L. 2 years ago January 6, 2023

    Welcome to the NEW WORLD of the GLOBAL WARMING CLIMATE DENIERS, our winter sports will soon become a thing of the past. Doesn’t matter which political party you support the weather patterns tell the truth. If you don’t believe it……then you are a part of the problem.

  4. Doug 2 years ago January 7, 2023

    Thanks Bob always good stuff. I saw 6 loons off my beach on Broad Bay a couple days before Christmas. I wasn’t sure so got my binoculars out and it was them. Three had more brown color that they get when going to the coast for the winter the others still had the black white mix. Was funny to watch them navigate among the blocks of ice. This is only our 5th winter here but we visited friends in the winter back in late 90’s and did some snow mobiling on the lake back then at this time of year but the season getting shorter for that for sure. HNY!

  5. Marie Therese 2 years ago January 16, 2023

    I do not know if it can trust you : same problems here in Switzerland. 1 inch of snow mid-December which disappeared in two days, 16Celsius (61 Fahrenheit) on Christmas Day. A bit of rain. Looks like this week will be a little colder.
    I stopped skiing years ago. Luckily… No snow to ski below 4500 feet, even not cold enough to create articificial snow with water.
    The last international ski competitions took place on narrow snowy tracks, built with snow brought by truck, surrounded by green grass. It looked like a dream (or a nightmare ?)
    Happy New Year to everybody

  6. Marie Therese 2 years ago January 16, 2023

    Sorry I meant : I do not know if it can comfort you (and not trust)…


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