All Posts by Mellisa Ferland

Effingham Dispute with Camp Marist is Going to Court

The Marist Brothers organization is asking the court to agree with their position that they are exempt from property taxation based on their non-profit status and charitable status. The Town of Effingham says the camp’s purposes are unduly broad, its programs are not sufficiently different from those offered by for-profit youth camps, and the volume of scholarships provided to families in need is “unremarkable.”

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Ossipee Planning Board Determines Westward Shores Has Regional Impact

The towns of Freedom and Effingham and the Lakes Region Planning Commission have been granted abutter status and will be permitted to comment on the expansion proposal. The Planning Board also mandated a third-party independent review of the expansion application, to be paid for by the campground, to make sure the application meets the town’s zoning ordinance.

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