On the lake shoreline and inland, these two shrubs provide color in autumn and offer valuable food for wildlife.
On the lake shoreline and inland, these two shrubs provide color in autumn and offer valuable food for wildlife.
The spotted sandpiper is usually our only native shorebird to enjoy in these parts. Now is the time to spot them.
It’s always a joy when the hummingbirds return just before summer. Weighing a little more than several dimes stacked together, a hummer is about as small as an animal can be and remain endothermic, which means warm-blooded in biologists’ terms. That makes them particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Famously secretive, rails are usually heard rather than seen. But this is the time of year when you might spot one, and the best place to try is just a few miles from the lake.
Snow geese commonly move through New Hampshire from March on, while we still have snow on the ground. They will be breeding in their Canadian Arctic tundra soon after completing this seasonal journey through our area, and you might see them anywhere from Winnipesauke to Walpole to Concord.